Safety Production Month | Everyone talks about safety, everyone will respond to emergencies

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June 2024 is the 23rd safety production month in China. In order to further enhance the awareness of safety production among all employees and popularize safety knowledge, we have closely carried out a series of activities such as safety training, fire drills, and safety hazard investigation around the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency - unobstructed life channels", fully promoting the establishment of a solid concept of safety development and placing safety production as the top priority for the eternal development of the enterprise.


Safety Training


To further strengthen the safety awareness of all employees, we organized an internal safety education and training activity on the afternoon of June 14th, and organized employees to watch typical safety accident analysis and safety knowledge popularization training.

This training mainly focuses on six key points of employee safety production responsibilities and obligations, mechanical safety operation, electrical safety operation, fire safety, etc. It strengthens employee safety production awareness and further strengthens the enterprise's safety production defense line.

To eliminate safety hazards and effectively prevent them before they occur, hazard investigation is our ongoing action. For the identified safety hazards, a combination of timely on-site rectification and deadline rectification is used to ensure timely elimination of the hazards. Only by eliminating safety hazards at the source can accidents be effectively prevented and safety defenses be strengthened.


Fire Drill


To further enhance the ability of all staff to handle fire escape and self rescue emergencies, we conducted a fire drill on the morning of June 27th.

This exercise simulated a real fire situation, quickly sounded the alarm, and each team organized personnel evacuation according to the planned plan. The entire evacuation process was orderly and all personnel quickly evacuated from the fire.

Subsequently, the safety officer explained and demonstrated the use of fire extinguishers, escape masks, and fire hoses on site, and organized all staff to practice the use of fire equipment. During the process of employee operation, our safety officer corrects individual erroneous actions, helps all employees correctly grasp the essentials of using fire-fighting equipment, and enhances their emergency response capabilities.

After the drill, Mr. Xu summarized the drill and pointed out some shortcomings, emphasizing the importance of safety.



Safety is no small matter, take preventive measures. We take the Safety Production Month as an opportunity to deepen the safety awareness of all employees, always tighten the safety string, eliminate hidden dangers in the bud, and jointly build the foundation of enterprise safety!

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